This tutorial will give you steps to export your calendar information from PhotoOne and import it into StudioCloud. The import function does not prevent the double entry of calendar events.
How to Export Calendar Information from PhotoOne
- Go to the Utilities menu at the top of the program
- Then click on Export > Export to Excel > Appointments
- In the Spreadsheet Layouts window click the New button, unless you have previously created a spreadsheet layout
- Add each field from the "Available Fields" box to the "Show these fields in this order" box in the order they appear in the "Available Fields" box
- Click the OK button taking you back to the Spreadsheet Layouts window and select your newly created layout
- Click the Select button
- On the Select a Spreadsheet Destination Options window, select the ASCII Export option
- Then click the Browse button to determine where the file will be saved
- Finally click the Save button
How to Import Calendar Information from PhotoOne
- Click on the Calendar component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click on the Import Calendar button
- Click on the Import Options menu bar
- Click on the Import from PhotoOne Calendar CSV File menu item
- Find your PhotoOne CSV File.
- Click Open
- The information from PhotoOne should now appear in the table. Depending on the amount of data this could be a long or short wait.
- If you have imported your client information from PhotoOne then you will want to try to match client information in events from PhotoOne with client information in StudioCloud using the instructions below. Otherwise, you can click the Save button to save the data to your StudioCloud account.
How to Match PhotoOne Calendar Events to Existing Clients in StudioCloud
Now that you have successfully imported calendar information from PhotoOne into StudioCloud you can try to match up client information from PhotoOne with client information in StudioCloud using the following steps.
- Choose Group Operations.
- Select Match Events to Clients
- Once you have clicked Match Events to Clients, StudioCloud will attempt to find matches using the PhotoOne event information and the existing clients in your StudioCloud database. Clients are added to the event if the first and last names in the event information and the existing client information are the same. Please note, if you have multiple clients in your database with the same first and last name, they will not be added to the event information.