This tutorial explains how to resolve an email issue when sending emails for Microsoft Hotmail, Outlook, and Windows Live emails.
Resolve Email Issues
Microsoft has always recommended that email users use the smtp server smtp.live.com to send out emails. A few days ago this server stopped allowing connections. It is unclear, at this time, why the server is not responding to connections or if the issue will be resolved.
To work around this issue please update your email accounts in StudioCloud to use the following smtp server settings:
SMTP server: pod51000.outlook.com
SMTP Port: Port 587
Type of Encryption: TLS
Username: Your Windows Live ID, for example yourname@hotmail.com
Password: The password you usually use to sign in to Hotmail or Windows Live
You can update your email account by doing the following steps:
- Click the Settings component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click on the Manage Email Accounts button
- Edit the desired email account and enter the settings above