StudioCloud has selected ProSelect, TimeExposure's award winning sales and presentation software, as our recommended partner. To this end we have worked with their team to provide unique and integrated functionality between ProSelect and StudioCloud. If you have not used ProSelect in the past then we recommend you download the free trial from their website and try it out. With this new partnership there are some great integration features.
Table of Contents
- ProSelect Integration Overview
- Enabling Integration with StudioCloud In ProSelect
- How to Enable Thumbnails to sync from ProSelect to StudioCloud
- Link a ProSelect Album to a StudioCloud Event in ProSelect
- Importing an Existing Invoice From StudioCloud into ProSelect
- Linking a Client in StudioCloud with a Client in Proselect
- Exporting Invoices from ProSelect to StudioCloud
- Link a New ProSelect Album to a StudioCloud Event
- Link an existing ProSelect album to a StudioCloud Event
- Open the ProSelect Album Linked to a StudioCloud Event
- Unlink the ProSelect Album Linked to a StudioCloud Event
- View the Path for the ProSelect Album Linked to a StudioCloud Event
- Why is the Date for my Orders from ProSelect Incorrect?
- How to Create Multiple Orders for the same StudioCloud Event
- How to Create a Client in StudioCloud from ProSelect
- How to Link a ProSelect Album to a New StudioCloud Client
- How StudioCloud Matches Clients from ProSelect with Clients in StudioCloud
- How StudioCloud Links an Event with an Invoice
- How Product Names, Descriptions, and Codes are Interpreted By StudioCloud
- Exporting an Order from ProSelect to StudioCloud
- ProSelect Price Lists Overview
- How to Import ProSelect Price Lists into StudioCloud
- How to Export The ProSelect Price List to CSV
- How to Import the ProSelect CSV Price List To StudioCloud
- How StudioCloud Handles Mis-matched Prices or Price Lists from ProSelect
ProSelect Integration Overview
This integration requires ProSelect version 2014r1 or newer.
If you need details for the integration options available in ProSelect then please see the ProSelect Reference Manual which can be downloaded from the website http://www.timeexposure.com/downloads_ps.php or can be accessed in the ProSelect software by clicking the Help menu button and selecting the option labeled "Open Reference Manual". In the reference manual you will find a section on the integration features of ProSelect in StudioCloud.
You can also download the section of the ProSelect Reference Manual dealing with StudioCloud integration to this support article at http://studiocloud.com/ProSelectManual-StudioCloud.pdf
The instructions below are specifically addressing those features that are available in StudioCloud for working with ProSelect.
Troubleshooting ProSelect to StudioCloud Integration
There are a few things to be aware of when working with ProSelect from StudioCloud.
- Most of the functionality in StudioCloud that integrates with ProSelect does require ProSelect to be open on your computer. StudioCloud has made efforts to have your computer open ProSelect if it is not already open but we cannot guarantee that will work on every computer.
- StudioCloud is a cloud-based application and as a result you might have a ProSelect album on one computer linked to a StudioCloud event. But then you view the StudioCloud event on another computer and the integration no longer works. We have tried to make sure that the error messages are as informative as possible.
- Currently all integration features are built in to the Edit Event window in StudioCloud. So if you want to use the integration features with a new event you will first need to save the event and then edit the event.
Enabling Integration in ProSelect
- Open the Preferences window in Proselect
- Go to the General Settings tab
- Click the Integration tab
- Click the checkbox for Enable Studio Management Integration
- Enter your StudioCloud Business ID, Username, and Password
- Click the Verify Now button
How to Enable Thumbnails To Sync From ProSelect to StudioCloud
- Open the Preferences window in Proselect
- Go to the General Settings tab
- Click the Integration tab
- Click the Include Sample Images With Exported Orders checkbox
Link a ProSelect Album to a StudioCloud Event In ProSelect
- Refer to page 228 in the following manual
Importing an Existing Invoice From StudioCloud Into ProSelect
- Refer to page 229 in the following manual
Linking a Client In StudioCloud with a Client In ProSelect
- Refer to page 230 in the following manual
Exporting Invoices From ProSelect To StudioCloud
- Refer to page 233 in the following manual
Link a New ProSelect Album to a StudioCloud Event
- Refer to page 236 in the following manual
- Click on the Calendar component
- Select the Calendar tab
- Click either the Calendar or the Agenda option to find the event you want to work with
- Edit the event
- Click the ProSelect menu button
- Select the option labeled Link New ProSelect Album to Event
- If the event is already linked to a ProSelect album, whether on this computer or on a different one, then this option should be disabled and you will have to unlink the event first
- If StudioCloud detects that there is an Album already open in ProSelect that has not been saved then you will be prompted for instructions on how to proceed
- Follow the prompts to create a new ProSelect album including selecting the images to include and the location to save the file
- Click the Save button in the Edit Event window
Link an Existing Proselect Album to a StudioCloud Event
- Refer to page 236 in the following manual
- Click on the Calendar component
- Select the Calendar tab
- Use either the Calendar or the Agenda option to find the event you want to work with
- Edit the event
- Click the ProSelect menu button
- Select the option labeled Link Current ProSelect Album to Event
- If the event is already linked to a ProSelect album, whether on this computer or on a different one, then this option should be disabled and you will have to unlink the event first
- Click the Save button in the Edit Event window
Open the ProSelect Album Linked to an Event
- Refer to page 236 in the following manual
- Click on the Calendar component
- Select the Calendar tab
- Use either the Calendar or the Agenda option to find the event you want to work with
- Edit the event
- Click the ProSelect menu button
- Select the option labeled Open Linked ProSelect Album
- If the event is not linked to a ProSelect album then this option should be disabled and you will have to unlink the event first
- If StudioCloud cannot find the ProSelect album on this computer then an error will be displayed
Unlink the ProSelect Album Linked to an Event
- Refer to page 236 in the following manual
- Click on the Calendar component
- Select the Calendar tab
- Use either the Calendar or the Agenda option to find the event you want to work with
- Edit the event
- Click the ProSelect menu button
- Select the option labeled Unlink ProSelect Album from Event
- If the event is not linked to a ProSelect album then this option should be disabled and you will have to unlink the event first
- If StudioCloud cannot find the ProSelect album on this computer then an error will be displayed
View the Path for the ProSelect Album Linked to an Event
- Refer to page 236 in the following manual
- Click on the Calendar component
- Select the Calendar tab
- Use either the Calendar or the Agenda option to find the event you want to work with
- Edit the event
- Click the ProSelect menu button
- Select the option labeled View ProSelect Album Path
- If the event is not linked to a ProSelect album then this option should be disabled and you will have to unlink the event first
- The file path to the ProSelect album will be displayed in a pop-up window
Why is the Date for My Orders from ProSelect Incorrect?
StudioCloud uses the time zone setting for your account in StudioCloud to make sure that the date is correct. Please make sure that your time zone is setup correctly in StudioCloud using the support article How to Update Your Time Zone in StudioCloud
How to Create Multiple Orders For The Same Event
By default, the ProSelect and StudioCloud integration is setup to have one order associated with each StudioCloud event. However, using the instructions below you can create multiple orders for the same event.
- Setup a ProSelect album as you normally would and link it to the first client you want to make an order for using the instructions here How to integrate ProSelect with StudioCloud under the heading Link the Current Album to a StudioCloud Event
- Click on the Orders file menu and click the Client Setup option
- Click the button labeled Add from StudioCloud to add a new client to the order There are three options when adding a client to the album. Please note, if you add a client that is not currently associated with the event then they will be added to the event in StudioCloud
- All StudioCloud Clients with name - Allows to search for a client in StudioCloud by name
- Clients associated with the first ProSelect Client - Provides a list of clients with relationships to the first client in the album
- Clients from same event - Provides a list of clients from the same event
- Close the Client Setup window
- Place an order for this client and export just like you normally would
How to Create a Client in StudioCloud from ProSelect
- Link the album in ProSelect to StudioCloud
- Click the Orders file menu button and click Client Setup...
- Click the Add New Album Client button
- Click Yes on the StudioCloud Integration warning message
- Enter your client's information
- Click the Link to StudioCloud button
- Click Yes when prompted if you want to save changes made to the order group
- Make sure that the Create New StudioCloud Client option is selected
- Click Add Client to StudioCloud
- Click Yes when you are prompted if you want to add a new client to StudioCloud
- Click the Close button in the Setup Clients window
- Save the ProSelect album
How to Link a ProSelect Album to a New StudioCloud Client
To link a ProSelect album to StudioCloud the client must exist in StudioCloud with an event. If your client information already exists in ProSelect and you don't want to manually copy all of the information to StudioCloud use the steps below.
- Open and login to StudioCloud
- Create a new client and enter only the first and last name
- Create a new event for the client
- Go to the existing ProSelect album with the client information
- Click the File file menu button and click Link to StudioCloud...
- Click the Search button
- Select the client that you just created in StudioCloud with a first and last name
- Click the Find Events for this Client
- Select the event that you just created in StudioCloud
- Uncheck the Update Client "FIRST LAST" with this StudioCloud Client
- Click the Orders file menu button and click Client Setup...
- You should see the client information that you previously entered in ProSelect
- Click the Link to StudioCloud button
- Make sure that Link to selected StudioCloud Client option is selected
- Click the Link to StudioCloud Client button
- Make sure that the client details from ProSelect are set to be used
- Save the ProSelect album
How StudioCloud Matches Clients From ProSelect with Clients In StudioCloud
- When searching for a client you must include at least two letters of the clients name.
- If you search includes a space then StudioCloud will try to match on first and last name. For example searching for j c will find Jose Chavez, Julie Anderson, and Jane Smith
- Some client in StudioCloud are hidden clients. Often times these are clients that have been created as part of a relationship. If you aren't finding a match for your client then try clicking the checkbox "Including hidden clients"
How StudioCloud Links An Event With an Invoice
- You must select an event to link the album to. If the event has already been linked to an album then you will overwrite that link in StudioCloud.
- When you link a client to an event ProSelect will find any invoices that are associated with the event. If you already have an invoice for this album then you will want to select that invoice and click "Link & Import Invoice" Otherwise click "Link Only"
- ProSelect will attempt to import any products and payments associated with the invoice
How Products Names, Descriptions, and Product Codes are Interpreted by StudioCloud
When working with ProSelect and StudioCloud one of the most important things is how the products transfer from ProSelect to StudioCloud. This support article will provide information on this functionality.
The table below describes how the ProSelect fields are mapped into the StudioCloud fields. Although Product Code and Product Name are mapped directly into fields in StudioCloud the StudioCloud Name is more complicated. The name of the StudioCloud product is dependent on the type of product in StudioCloud
StudioCloud Field |
ProSelect Field |
Bar Code |
Product Code |
Description | Product Name |
Price |
Price |
Tax Status |
Tax |
The name of the StudioCloud product will be the Size of the print |
Product Type: Print |
The name of the StudioCloud product will be the Size of the print and the name of the Template |
Product Type: Composite Layout or Traditional Matted Layout |
Frame | Product Type: Frame |
P-Extra | Product Type: Print Extra |
L-Extra | Product Type: Layout Extra |
O-Extra | Product Type: Order Extra |
You can customize how the details are imported from ProSelect into StudioCloud by doing the following steps.
- Click on Point of Sale
- Click on Settings tab
- Click on the Invoice Settings button
Exporting an Order from ProSelect to StudioCloud
When you export an order from ProSelect to StudioCloud, the StudioCloud software attempts to match the incoming products with those already in the system. First the product is imported using the format in the table above and then StudioCloud will try to match the products using the different options below.
- The first attempt to match a product from ProSelect to one in StudioCloud is by comparing the Product Code with the StudioCloud Bar Code. If no Product Code is found then this step is skipped
- If the product code is not included in the ProSelect information or if no match is found in StudioCloud then StudioCloud will search by name and description
- Note: If a product from ProSelect has a product code but there was no matching product code in StudioCloud but there was a product with a match by name and description then the product code is updated in StudioCloud.
If no match for the product is found in StudioCloud then the product will be created in StudioCloud
ProSelect Price Lists Overview
When product information comes from ProSelect to StudioCloud it includes price list information. Below is an explanation of what happens with price lists during the invoice import.
The price list name from ProSelect is not found in StudioCloud
- Create a price list in StudioCloud with the same name
- Any items in the order that are part of the price list are added to it in StudioCloud
The price list name from ProSelect is found in StudioCloud
- No price list is created
- Any products included in the invoice that are not part of the price list in StudioCloud are added to the price list
- Any products that are already part of the price list in StudioCloud but have a different price in the price list are updated to reflect the new price
How to Import ProSelect Price Lists into StudioCloud
If you already have all of your products setup in ProSelect the the fastest way to get up and running is by importing your full ProSelect price list into StudioCloud.
How to Export the ProSelect Price List to CSV
- Open the ProSelect software
- Click the Orders file menu option and select "Export Price List as CSV"
- Select the Output Location on your computer
- Leave the Format with the default "Detailed" option
- Leave the Separator option with the default "Comma" option
- Click the Export button
How to Import the ProSelect CSV Price List to StudioCloud
- Click on the Point of Sale component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click the Manage Price Lists button
- Select the Price Lists tab in the Manage Products, Services, Packages, & Price Lists window
- Click the Import Price Lists From CSV button and select the Import Price Lists From CSV option to open the Import Price Lists window
- In the Import Price Lists window click the Import Options and select Import from ProSelect
- Select the file that you just exported from ProSelect and click Open
- Click the Save button
How StudioCloud Handles Mis-matched prices or Price Lists from ProSelect
- If a product is in StudioCloud but not found in the price list then it will be added to the price list
- If a product is found in the price list in StudioCloud but the price is different then the price in the product list will be updated