Table of Contents
- Import From ShootQ
- Import From iCloud
- Import From PhotoOne
- Import From Successware
- Import From a vCard File
- Import From Apple Address Book
- Import From StudioPlus's Desktop Spectra Software
Import Clients From ShootQ
How to Export Clients from ShootQ
- Go to the Relationships tab in ShootQ
- Click the export button near the top of the tab
- Click the Download CSV button
How to Import Clients from ShootQ
- Click on the Clients component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click on the Import Clients button
- Click on the Import Options menu bar
- Click on Import CSV Files From Third-Party Software
- Click on the Import From ShootQ CSV File menu item
- Find your exported ShootQ CSV file
- Click Open
Import Clients From iCloud
How to Export Clients from iCloud
- Click on this link for instructions on how to export contacts from iCloud to a vCard file
- Click on the Contacts image in the link above for instructions on how to export iCloud to a vCard file
How to Import Clients Into StudioCloud
Click here for how to import clients from a vCard File into StudioCloud
Import Clients From PhotoOne
How to Export Clients from PhotoOne
- Go to the Utility menu at the top of the program
- Then click on Export > Export to Excel > Customers
- In the Spreadsheet Layouts window click the New button, unless you have previously created a spreadsheet layout
- Add each field from the "Available Fields" box to the "Show these fields in this order" box
- Click the OK button taking you back to the Spreadsheet Layouts window and select your newly created layout
- Click the Select button
- On the Select a Spreadsheet Destination Options window, select the ASCII Export option
- Then click the Browse button to determine where the file will be saved
- Finally, click the Save button
How to Import Clients from PhotoOne
- Click on the Clients component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click on the Import Clients button
- Select Import Clients Window
- Click on the Import Options menu bar
- Click on Import CSV Files From Third-Party Software
- Click on the Import From PhotoOne CSV File menu item
- Find your exported PhotoOne CSV file
- Click Open
Import Clients From Successware
There are two different ways to export client information from Successware. The basic export is the quickest and easiest but the export process below gives you more client information. The export method below must be used if you will be importing invoices and payments from Successware.
List of Data that is imported
- This export process will export the following information: Category, Title, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Name suffix, Formal Addressee, Informal Addressee, Business Name, Street, City, State, Home Phone label, home Phone, Work phone label, work phone, work extension, work phone with extension, cell phone label, cell phone, pager label, pager, fax label, fax, email address, event date, client number, client name
Successware does not export out relationship details and, as such, StudioCloud is not able to import relationships.
How to Export Clients from Successware (Advanced Export Method)
- Go to the People option on the menu bar and select List Clients
- Search for the group you wish to export by using the "Search" button in the toolbar
- Click the "Export" button in the toolbar
- Select the client list you want to export from the options offered.
- In the "Export To" field select the "File" option
- In the "Export As" field select "Tab Delimited Text"
- Click the "Set Fields To Export" button and move fields from the list on the left to the list on the right. Whatever is in the list on the right will be exported. Please move all of the fields from the left side to the right side.
- Select the "Place quotes around field values containing commas" checkbox
- Select the "Add a header line with field names" checkbox
- Click the "Export" button and tell the program where to save your file
- Export Completed
- If StudioCloud is importing the data for you please email the csv file to
- If you are importing the data yourself continue on to the step below.
Convert Successware CSV File From A Tab CSV file to a Comma Separated CSV File
- If you are importing the data yourself the file exported from successware has to be converted to a different type of csv file. To convert it do the following steps.
- Open the file in Excel or another spreadsheet program and save it as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.
- This will change the file from a tab csv file to a comma seperated csv file.
How to Import Clients from Successware
Note: StudioCloud does not provide support for the import process below unless you pay for Studiocloud to import the data for you.
The following blog post explains why:
- Open StudioCloud and log in
- Click on Clients
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click the Import Clients button
- Click on the Import Options
- Click on the Import CSV Files From Third-Party Software
- Click on the Import From Successware
- Click on the Import From Successware Advanced Export CSV File
- Find your exported Successware CSV File
- Click Open
- Verify the client information is being imported correctly.
- Change the column header that says "Gender" to "Suffix"
- If you have already imported clients previously from Successware, complete the following steps to remove clients that already exist in StudioCloud:
- Click on Group Operations
- Click on Select Clients that Already Exist In StudioCloud menu option
- Click on Group Operations
- Click the Delete Selected Clients menu option
- Click Save
Basic Export from Successware method.
StudioCloud does not recommend using this method.
Note: The Advanced Export method must be used if you are going to import invoices and payments from Successware
The basic export process will export the following information: Title, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Name suffix, Formal Addressee, Informal Addressee, Business Name, Street, City, State
- Open Successware
- Click on People in the menu bar
- Click on Print or Export Mailing
- Click on the Export icon when the Print/Export window opens
- Click on the Type of Computer that you are using
- Change the Separated Fields drop down to Commas and Quotes
- Save the file to your computer
How to Import Clients from Successware If The Basic Export Is Used
The Advanced Export method must be used if you are going to import invoices and payments from Successware
Note: StudioCloud does not provide support for the import process below unless you pay for Studiocloud to import the data for you.
The following blog post explains why.
- Click on the Clients component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click the Import Clients button
- Click on the Import Options
- Click on the Import From Successware
- Click on the Import from CSV (Comma Separated) File
- Find your exported Successware CSV File
- Click Open
- Click on the Import From Successware Basic Export CSV File
- Click on the Import from CSV (Comma Separated) File
- Click on the Import CSV Files From Third Party Software
- Click on the Import From Successware
- If you have already imported clients previously from successware do the following steps to remove clients that already exist in StudioCloud
- Click on Group Operations
- Click on Select Duplicate Clients In Table and Clients that Already Exist In StudioCloud menu option
- Click on Group Operations
- Click the Delete Selected Clients menu option
- Click Save
Import Clients From a vCard File
- Click on the Clients component
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click on the Import Clients button
- Click on the Import Options menu option
- Click on the Import from vCard menu item
- Select the vCard file from your computer
- Adjust the column headings as necessary to match the data that is displayed in each column
- Click the Save button
Import Clients From Apple Address Book
This tutorial will show you how to export clients from your Apple Address Book to a CSV file. After you have the client information in a CSV file, follow the tutorial Importing Clients, Prospective Clients, & Leads From CSV File for importing them into StudioCloud.
- Download the free program "Address Book Exporter" by clicking here
- Make sure you click the Export Using Current Field Settings
- Click Export Address Book and then Save it
- Open Excel and go to File, find your Exported Address Book file and Click Open
- The text Import Wizard will open then Click Finish
- Then go to File, Save As, and change the format to CSV (windows)
- When the Exported Address Book.csv warning pops up, Click Yes
- Delete extra columns, order columns correctly and change heading to match StudioClouds Import Clients Spreadsheet.
- Import the file into StudioCloud
Importing Clients From StudioPlus's Desktop Spectra Software
How to Export All Clients From StudioPlus using the advanced export
The following instructions will export out all of the clients from StudioPlus including those clients that are not associated with a session, invoice or task.
Due to a restriction in StudioPlus only 65 columns can be exported from StudioPlus at a time. As such you will need to export multiple files to get all of your data out of StudioPlus
- Go to the client section in StudioPlus
- Instructions on exporting out the first file
- Click the "Column Chooser" button.
- Click the "Uncheck All" button
- Manually select the rows starting with "Clients - Address Line 1" all the way to "Clients - New State"
- Pro-Tip: If you use the arrows on your keyboard and the spacebar you can quickly move between rows by pushing the down arrow and select a row by pushing the spacebar.
- Click the "Ok" button
- Click the "Export To Excel Button and save the file with the name "Client 1.xls"
- If StudioCloud is importing the data for you please email the file to and ignore the step to convert it to csv.
- Instructions on how to convert the excel file to csv
- Once this file has been exported open it in excel and click the "Save As" button.
- Change the Save as type: to be CSV (Comma delimited) and save the file
- Instructions on exporting out the second file
- Click the "Column Chooser" button.
- Click the "Uncheck All" button
- Manually select the rows starting with "Clients - Next Call Date" all the way to "Clients -Zip"
- Click the "Ok" button
- Click the "Export To Excel Button and save the file with the name "Client 2.xls"
- If StudioCloud is importing the data for you please email the file to and ignore the step to convert it to csv.
- Instructions on how to convert the Excel file to CSV
- Once this file has been exported open it in Excel and click the "Save As" button.
- Change the "Save As" type to CSV (Comma delimited) and save the file
- Instructions on exporting out the first file
- Go to the client section in StudioPlus
How to Import Clients from StudioPlus
Note: StudioCloud does not provide support for the import process below unless you pay for Studiocloud to import the data for you.
The following blog post explains why.
- Select the Clients component
- Click on the Clients tab
- Click on Import Options
- Select the Import New Clients Window option
- In this new window, select Import Options
- Click on the Import CSV Files From Third-Party Software
- Click on the Import From Successware
- Click on the Import From Successware Advanced Export CSV File
- Select the first client file in the first import window and click open
- Select the second client file in the second import window and click open
- Verify the information and click the save button
The following information is imported from StudioPlus into StudioCloud if the advanced export method is used.
- Title
- Client Number
- Name Suffix
- First Name
- Business Name
- Last Name
- Street
- City
- State
- Zipcode
- E-mail Address
- Home phone
- Anniversary
- Birthday
The following items are imported into the notes field of the client
- Other Phone 1
- Other Phone 2
- Other Phone 3
- Other Phone 4
- Other Phone 5
- Client Since Date
- Client Status Due Date
- Client Status Reason Maint ID
- Contract Date
- Create Date
- Created By
- Custom 1
- Custom 2
- Custom 3
- Custom 4
- Custom 5
- Custom 6
- Custom 7
- Custom 8
- Custom 9
- Custom 10
- Custom Date 1
- Custom Date 2
- Do Not Call
- Do Not Market
- Event Date
- Lead Source
- Loyalty Number
- Next Call Date
- Other 1
- Other 2
- Other Date 1
- Other Date 2
- Fax
- Pager
- High School Graduation Year
- Client Status
- Call Warning
- Anniversary Date
- Referred By ID
- Parent Facebook
- Parent Instagram
- Parent Twitter
- Parents Name
- Parents Phone
- Salutation
- Secondary Email
- Secondary Name 1
- Secondary Name 2
- Senior Facebook
- Senior Instagram
- Senior Twitter
- Student ID
- Total Accounts Receivable
- Total Lifetime BillTo Sales
- Total Lifetime Session Sales
- Total Unused Rewards
- Total YTD BillTo Sales
- Total YTD Session Sales
- HMM End Date
- HMM Sales Rep
- HMM Start Date
- HMM User Name
- HMM Website
- InSpired Upload Date
How To Export Clients From StudioPlus Using The Basic Export (Not Recommended)
Note: If StudioCloud is importing the data for you please refer to the advanced export method.
This export process is not recommended as it only exports a limited amount of client information.
- Go to Utilities menu
- Click the Export Clients option
- Select the All Clients option under Filter
- This will create a CSV file with all of your client information in it
How To Import Clients From StudioPlus Using The Basic Export Method (Not Recommended)
Note: StudioCloud does not provide support for the import process below unless you pay for Studiocloud to import the data for you.
The following blog post explains why.
- Click on the Clients component.
- Click on the Clients tab
- Click on Import Options
- Select the Import New Clients Window option
- In this new window, select Import Options
- Select Import CSV Files From Third-Party Software
- Select the Import from StudioPlus option.
- Select Import from StudioPlus Desktop Basic CSV File
- Select the desired CSV file
- Verify the information and click the Save button.